We need to talk about the rising wave of anti-Roma attacks in Europe

The Roma community is Europe’s largest and most persecuted minority. Since the arrival of their nomadic ancestors from the northern Indian subcontinent in the Middle Ages, Romani people have been subjected to intense periods of discrimination, from forced expulsions in the 16th century to Nazi genocide in Second World War.

Throughout Europe, antiziganist (anti-Roma) prejudice has lingered on largely unscathed to this day. But as hate crimes and attacks against the continent’s 10-12 million Romani inhabitants are on the rise, it becomes increasingly vital for us to tackle the issue and openly acknowledge its existence.

Far-right populism is gaining momentum across the west, and, unsurprisingly, it has been accompanied by an upsurge in attacks against Romani people. From France to Hungary, Roma communities and camps have been subjected to violence and threats. 

Only last month, the Council of Europe held a conference in Odessa where heads of Ukrainian, Moldavian and Slovakian police discussed ways to prevent antiziganist attacks. Italy in particular has seen an intense concentration of anti-Roma hate crimes over the last few months, largely perpetrated by a coalition of neo-fascist gangs and angered locals in the Roman suburbs. 

Link: https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/roma-antiziganist-romani-discrimination-italy-matteo-salvini-ukraine-a9024196.html?amp=1

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