The Republic of Croatia is required to pay damages to the Roma whose families were killed by the authorities of the then NDH

The European peoples cultivate different historical narratives, have different customs and cultural patterns, and the relation of different prejudices towards the different. But it also unites them: in all European countries, the most discriminated ethnic community is the Roma.

The tragic and sad history of the Roma community in Europe culminated during the Second World War, where parts of the continent were overshadowed by the famous Nazi genocide over the Jews. a thorough ethnic cleansing of the Roma and Sinti population was conducted.

The Croats, and some of them: the Ustashas from the end of 1942 in Jasenovac, were able to eliminate unwanted fellow citizens, and elsewhere they liquidated almost all Roma who lived on the territory of the NDH.
The genocide on the Roma for decades has been hushed up and flowed in recent years by the public could be heard in the Croatian public more about these terrible events.

As part of efforts to save the tragedy of Croatian Roma, recently built at the Institute of Social Sciences, Ivo Pilar and the German foundation Erinnerung, Verantwortung und Zukunft - EVZ published the book "Roma in the Second World War in the IDH 1941.- 1945 ", is conceived as a teacher manual. The book was presented this year's Cliofest, the most important Croatian manifestation for the popularization of historical facts, which was held in Zagreb.

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