Horror in Kosovo: A Twelve Years Roma Child, Rape and Slaying

С.О. (20) has been arrested in Kosovo. He is suspected of raping him several times and has also killed him with a twelve-year-old Roma boy whose body was found on a road near his house, according to media reports.

The body was found a week ago but in the first moment it was not known what the cause was. On the head of the child there were injuries that determined that the child had died from strokes.

- It was not known whether it was hit by a car or was dropped from an object or trailer that was passing from the street. There was also the possibility that someone had hit him with a blunt object on the head - there were allegations from the Kosovo police.

During the autopsy it was determined that the child was raped and then killed. The mother of the child's child said that her son had previously complained that a male person had disturbed him and sent him a grudge.

- That's exactly what the police led to the suspect who, due to the suspicion of committing a hard-assassination case, was given a 30-day detention, the police emphasized.

According to unofficial information, the suspect S.O. at the hearing he defended himself with silence.

Link: http://rominfomedia.rs/uzas-na-kosovu-dvanaestogodisnji-decak-romske-nacionalnosti-silovan-pa-ubijen/?fbclid=IwAR1D_8y9E9GffgDUgoedWi479V87L_IClc63C38aDxO1E7bKf8g8uXANl34

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