A Ukrainian ultranationalist with knives and ax stopped the Roma conference

During the conference on the topic "Impunity for the attack on the Roma from Ukraine", when Likachev discussed the coordinator of the Roma Fund "Chiriklija", several young people were present at once in the hall, which in a moment did not allow the present guests to hear the report.

They presented themselves as members of the "Unknown Patriot" organization. They all the time hindered the discussion of the unpleasant events of June 2018 when an attack on the Roma people in Lvov where the 23-year-old David lost was lost, and four other Roma were injured by ultranationalists from Ukraine.

At the same time, in the hall began verbally and physically provoked an incident representative from the organization of veterans "Azov" who violently entered and with a backpack on his back and an ax in his hand threatened the attendees. In a short time he was prevented from the security and was overpowered.
Another knife and two bottles of whiskey were found in the backpack.

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