Italian extreme right-wingers to a Roma woman: "We want to see all hanging and burning"

Photographs published by some Italian media have shaken the public both in Italy and wider.

In the text is written that in Kazal Brusiato in Rome there were violent protests that were made to a Roma woman along with her little child. The extreme right-wingers were the leaders of this violent act, in order to evict a mother with her child from a homeless apartment that was assigned to her in which she moved in few days ago.

One of the questions posed during the protests was: "Should we wake Mussolini from the grave" to which one of the protesters replied "It will not be bad"

These protests were accompanied by bizarre curses and even a request for someone to rape the mother, then hang her and set it on fire. The police had to intervene to save the mother with the child and take her in an unknown direction.

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