Celebrating Roma and Traveller history month

Roma and Traveller History Month (GRTHM) celebrates the diverse ways in which the Roma, Roma and Traveller communities add to the vibrancy of life in the UK and recognises the varied contributions that these communities have made to British Society historically and today.

Since 2008, GRTHM has been celebrated throughout the UK over the month of June. GRTHM shares the history, culture and language of Traveller and Roma communities, as well as other Travelling communities including showpeople, boaters and bargees.

Through celebration, education and raising awareness GRTHM helps to tackle prejudices, challenge myths and to raise the voices of Roma and Travellers in wider society.

Schools, libraries and museums around the UK throw their support to GRTHM each year providing activities and information which support the aims of challenging stereotypes and supporting community cohesion.

Link: https://www.gypsy-traveller.org/heritage/celebrating-gypsy-roma-and-traveller-history-month/

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