In Zajecar, offensive and graffiti with hate speech towards the Roma

On April 1, 2019, the Mayor of Zajecar Bosko Nichic published his FB profile with video footage of scripted graffiti with hate speech from unknown persons and wrote "Madness"

He reacts and says: "Today in our peaceful city, where people were not divided even by faith, nation and nationality, the most irreproachable fascist graphite was inscribed on Zemunska Street No. 14.

As a person, and not as a mayor, I hope and believe that the perpetrators of this insane act of hatred will soon be detected by the competent state institutions and processed according to the law.

I urge the members of the Roma community to feel calm and secure, and that the city of Zajecar, as before, will do everything for protection and further emancipation "wrote the mayor of the city Zajecar Bosko Nichic on his FB profile.

Otherwise, on the wall of a house there was a hooked cross and graphite with content "For the Gypsies of this house, only death"


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