What is and Why Romaphobia?

The Rroma (gypsy) population forms one of the largest and, according to recent research, one of the most disadvantageous and stereotyped minority groups in contemporary Europe. In the last decades, scholars mostly used the term “anti-Gypsyism” as a generic term for a broad set of negative feelings, stereotyping, and discriminatory practice against Rroma. In order to avoid negative connotations attached to the word “Gypsy’, some authors use the term “Rromaphobia” for negative affects associated with the Rroma.

Rromaphobia is a predominantly racist phenomenon, encompas singelements of cultural racism and dehumanization. Similar to other forms of modern racism, Rromaphobia derives from socio-economic competition, and often manifests itself through opposition to minority benefits. On this account, we can argue that Rromaphobia is linked to (perceived) threat to welfare of an in-group or its members.However, what makes this type of prejudice peculiar is not pure competition for scarce material and immaterial resources.

Distinguished criteria concerns symbolic threat posed by Rroma culture, which is perceived potentially threatening towards in-group’s values, morals and beliefs. In this respect, negative stereotypes regarding Rroma’s work ethics, laziness, proneness to criminal behaviour, are the main indicators of anti-Roma prejudice.
Furthermore, negative stereotypes create a climate where people fear that Rroma could contaminate national culture, and pose the threat to their physical and material well being. This brings us to another relevant indicator of Rromaphobia, which is inter-group anxiety.

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