Article by Grattan Puxon: Roma call for end to Anti - Gypsy racism

The 200,000 Roma migrants presently in Britain have travelled a long road. Before EU enlargement, they arrived seeking asylum from murderous attacks and pogroms, driven to migrate by resurgent Balkan nationalism. Lately, they have come as EU citizens.

Pickles also heads the UK delegation to the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance. Roma representation has been secured through inclusion among US delegates of Romani Ethel Brooks. Both Brooks and her husband Farhan Haq visited Date Farm shortly after it was stormed by riot police.

This connection has opened an opportunity to raise Roma issues at the UN. Haq, an assistant to general-secretary Antonio Guterres, has agreed to meet Roma representatives. The delegation, being put together by Zoran Dimov, Skopje-based head of the International Romani Union, is expected to be in New York for Roma Nation Day on 8th April. Six British towns and cities, and scores in Europe, will see Roma flags flying that day.



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