Increasing hatred for Roma and Sinti: Violence towards them has increased by 54 percent

The number of anti-Roma sentiment has increased. Most of them are done by right-wing movements, but the interior ministry is soothing.

Last year it rose by just under 54% compared to 2017.

This stems from the Federal Ministry of the Interior's response to a request from the leftist faction.

According to this, in the national statistics for politically motivated crime, 63 acts will be assigned to the sub-measure "Anti- gypsym disorder" for 2018.

In the previous year there were 41 acts. Intolerance and criminal acts against Roma and Sinti were recorded only separately from 2017.

Almost all attacks, the Ministry of the Interior, from the aspect of "right". Five cases could not be clearly assigned.

Of 36 suspects, 32 belong to right-wing extremist groups. Slightly more than half of the works written last year are under the misdemeanor.

Among them are six bodily injuries. Over the average number of acts were carried out in Berlin, it is about 12 acts.



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