The Roma, victims of poisoning, should be compensated for their damages

The UN special rapporteur on toxic substances, Bashkut Tunchak, said yesterday that the Kosovo Roma who were exposed to lead poison while living in UN camps for displaced persons near the Trepca mines complex near Mitrovica should to pay them damages.

"About 600 members of the Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities between 1999 and 2013 were placed in camps built on land that was known to have been contaminated with lead.

Half of them were children under the age of 14, "Tunchak said in a statement after a meeting with Roma families who were victims of lead poisoning.

The UN's human rights advisory body in 2016 found that this organization is responsible for the victims and recommended that the UN pay damages.
However, the UN refused to accept responsibility and refused to pay damages to victims.

Instead, they decided to establish a fund to fund "assistance projects", through which the Roma community will be supported in its entirety. So far, this fund has not received any funds.



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