Nis: Celebrated the anniversary of the escape from the Red Cross Camp

The Red Cross camp in Nis was formed by the Germans in September 1941. A large number of Roma, Jews and others were imprisoned in the camp.

From that camp there were 30,000 people, of whom 10,000 were shot in the Bubanj stream, and many were interned in Austria, Germany, Poland and Norway where they were forced into forced labor.

Torture, shooting, cold, famine for Roma, Serbs and Jews was the main target of torture.

Then on February 12, 1942 a group of 147 campers attacked the guards to try to escape from the camp. They succeeded 105 while 42 were killed. It was actually the first organized escape from a camp in the then occupied Europe.

Then the terror in that camp, which served as the darkest experiments of the human mind, intensified, and that terror lasted until September 14, 1944, when the city of Nis was liberated.


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