Le point: 72% of Italians support Mateo Salvini

Matteo Salvini no longer has an inhibiting brake. He continues his rhetoric and plan for the resettlement of Italian Roma, with this indirectly on 600,000 migrants from the peninsula. This rhetoric angered Pierre Moscovici and Roberto Saviano's "J'accuse", who, without warning to the Jewish community, are still fresh from the Holocaust and that the Italian Jews touch it.

A survey by the Ixe Institute reveals that 72% of Transalpine support the anti-immigrant rhetoric of the interior minister. As expected, with him is the whole right. 100% of Fratelli d'Italia's voters, 96% of those in the League, 91% of those of Forza Italia and 78% of those of the 5-Star Movement are in his favor. But the left is that the head of the League makes a surprising progress.

46% of the Democratic Party's voters and 21% of those of Freedom and Equality, who are close to the left, share their immigration line. The leftist parties know this, and after the poor success of the demonstrations organized by them on June 10, they put the project on the anti-Litanian Republican front in the field in anticipation of better times.

Link: https://www.lepoint.fr/europe/72-des-italiens-soutiennent-matteo-salvini-19-06-2018-2228606_2626.php

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