I want to say

RDS Analysis (10th part) After the adopted social welfare law - Only 525 euros are needed for basic living expenses!

The long-awaited package of laws on social security and poverty eradication was adopted in the Assembly of the Republic of Northern Macedonia.
It also states that as of June 2019, social financial assistance for a five or more family members will amount to about 200 euros. Normally, in order to use those services, there will be rules that encourage the reduction of unemployment in order not to rely on the family for that monetary social assistance.

But what does statistics say about the basic needs of a family in our country.
According to her, most of the money or almost 74% end up for food and housing.
According to the latest data published by SSM, in order to settle basic living needs in the fourth month of the year, 525 euros were needed, the economics magazines wrote.

It would have come about that about a month for food and bills, it takes about 400 euros. Of them about 226 euros for food and utilities, housekeeping and maintenance around
170 euros. This means that in the total expenditures on a monthly basis, the biggest share are those for basic needs - food and electricity, water and other utility bills.

Here's how much money and what you spend, that is, you have to spend to meet basic living needs:
Nutrition and drinks 230 euros, Housing 170 euros, Hygiene 35 euros, Transportation 35 euros, Clothing and footwear 30 euros, Culture 15 euros, Health maintenance 10 euros, Total: 525 euros

With the fact that now according to the adopted package of laws that the maximum amount of social financial assistance for a five-member family will be around 200 euros, it is clear that that family will have to try to find some employment of at least two in that family to follow the economic gallop in the state, and with maximum and rational housekeeping management needs to come out at the end of the month.

The amount of the occasional income in a household dictates the quality of life. Statistics show that those who work or receive a pension do not mean that they are outside of the survival zone.

According to the Bureau of Statistics, only 9% of all employees are poor, of all unemployed - 38.7%, of pensioners - 7.7%, and of the other inactive 32.1% are poor!

Therefore, the message is next, we should not "rely" too much on social, because the standard of living is different from the social scale. For a more reliable standard - the stick is self-work!

RDS analysis continues ...

 The position of the text is a personal position of the RDS and is outside the editorial policy of the Roma Times Web Portal

RDS analysis (Ninth part) Will President Pendarovski stick to the word given for Roma adviser in his office?

The new head of state Stevo Pendarovski officially started his five year mandate from May 12 this year. Already the public is informed who will be his team in the Cabinet. It is evident that there is no Roma in the office of an adviser or the like?
Already started the reactions among the Roma community regarding the new composition of the Pendarovski Cabinet regarding the non-naming of Roma in his team.

What does this mean? Were Pendarovski and SDSM dissatisfied with the engagement of the Roma community during the presidential election, did they find that among the Roma there are not enough qualified Roma staff for the position - Counselor!
Or Pendarovski forgot about the promises given during the presidential campaign that this is "one society" and that everyone is equal, and that he will definitely hire an advisor in his team from the Roma community.

As much as it does not keep the memory, it has publicly promised it on many rallies that were held in front of the Roma community, as well as on the organized debate - the needs of the Roma NGO sector just before the second round in Shuto Orizari.

Who will be the Head of State's pronouncement on this issue? He needs a sincere answer from his side without "paraffin gloves" open and in the eyes.
It is better than twisting, wholefanning, or the like, so that the Roma themselves and their leaders know, whether they have wronged something, or Pendarovski himself openly violated the promise given!

That would be the best thing for the Roma community to know - what is it?

RDS analysis continues ...

 The position of the text is a personal position of the RDS and is outside the editorial policy of the Roma Times Web Portal

RDS analysis: (Part Eight) To be honest, the adopted Resolution on Roma in the Assembly is the fruit of the labor of all Roma in the country!

Now the adopted Resolution on changes and improvement of the situation of the Roma in the Republic of North Macedonia, adopted by 60 peers for and against one, is a result of several years of effort and effort made by several Roma NGOs from the Republic of North Macedonia, which in continuity with great care has been made covering all segments and emphasis on the implementation of human rights standards for Roma as the most vulnerable and marginalized groups in the Republic of North Macedonia.

In the previously made, and now the adopted resolution clearly stands the guidelines and needs to focus its implementers and implementers.

Having in mind the fully prepared resolution that was submitted to the Parliament by the Interparliamentary Group led by MP Samka Ibraimovski, it should be noted that during its preparation by the Roma NGO, there were always clear directions, ways, and set timeframes for its realization.

In this adopted and voted Resolution on changes and improvement of the situation of the Roma in the Republic of North Macedonia, there are in principle requirements for all involved parties, but it is not noted that they have an operational plan and program as well as their own time frame implementation and implementation.

We emphasize this as a RDS because we are taught from past experiences that without deadlines and terms for their realization, however, only a "dead letter on paper" can remain.
Then it will turn out that all this is only a declarative acceptance, without any chance of its implementation and realization.

The second point is also important to emphasize that this Resolution is not an individual or party merit, because many people who had this vision worked long ago and made great efforts in order to see the light of the day . In particular, it has long been sent and known in the most important European and other international institutions, where the exact deadlines for their implementation and realization are in it.
Otherwise, it is for mentioning that this now-voted Resolution comes into force after the publication of the "Official Gazette of North Macedonia".

What awaits this version of the resolution will show the time!

RDS analysis continues ...

 The position of the text is a personal position of the RDS and is outside the editorial policy of the Roma Times Web Portal

Personal attitude on April 8th: We are not different, we are the same!

I am a ROM (Romani) - with DARKER SKIN during the whole period of my life
And THEY?...

When they're born - PINK
When they're ill - GREEN
When they're cold - BLUE
When they're hot - RED
When they're excited - LIGHT BLUE
When they die - YELLOW

And then ... THEY call me, "What's up COLORED?"

Let's celebrate our DAY -which is only one day, and should be CONSISTENT...

FaLang translation system by Faboba

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