ARBICM together with the Embassy of the Slovak Republic in North Macedonia successfully implemented the project "Pedagogical Assistants"

As in previous years, ARBICM implemented the project in 2023 as well

"Pedagogical assistants for primary school children" in the territory of the city of Skopje.

This time, the project and the implementation of the training of the Pedagogical Assistants as well as the implementation of their activities is realized with financial assistance from the Embassy of the Slovak Republic in the Republic of Macedonia. The project started with its activities in June and in the following six months was implemented in "Bracha Ramiz and Hamid OU and 26 Juli OU in Shuto Orizari. OU "Aco Shopov - Cento. OU St. Kliment Ohridski in Butel and OU "Vasil Glavinov" in Topaansko Pole.

The training was conducted during the summer period from June 2023 to August 2023

At the end of August, the Ambassador of the Slovak Republic NE Henrik Markus was also present at a convenient meeting during the awarding of the Certificates, who awarded the certificates.

Also, on that occasion, Dimov presented him with a special plaque - a thank you card. During this meeting, Ambassador Markush expressed his satisfaction that they helped in the implementation of the trainings, and mentioned that this project was considered important, precisely because it is one of the most marginalized communities both in the world and in Macedonia, and it is the Roma community.

He mentioned that in the future the Slovak Embassy is ready to help in similar projects that are closely related to the Roma community.

From September, with the start of the new school year 2023/24, the ten new teaching assistants who obtained a certificate started working with over 150 children, teaching and helping children from primary education. They also had intensive communication and contacts with teachers from elementary schools and with the parents of those children.

The project was successfully negotiated until December 25, 2023.



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