2019 Report on National Roma Integration Strategies: Key Conclusions

Education: Today, there are still 68% of Roma who leave education early, while the Europe 2020 early school leavers target is 10%. In addition only 18% of Roma children transit to higher levels of education and the absenteeism and early-school leaving rates of Roma are significantly higher than for other categories of pupils.

Employment: 43% of Roma are in a form of paid employment. In addition, 63% of young Roma are not in education, employment or training.

Health: Almost a quarter of Roma people have no national health insurance

Housing: Roma often live in areas where most neighbours are Roma too. In addition, a third of Roma households do not have tap water, just over half have an indoor flush toilet or shower and 78% of Roma live in overcrowded households.

Fighting discrimination and antigypsyism: Roma are still discriminated against across the EU: for instance, 43% of Roma experience discrimination when trying to buy or rent housing, Roma are not aware enough of their rights in terms of equality and need to build more trust in law enforcement authorities.

Link: https://ec.europa.eu/info/sites/info/files/factsheet_roma_integration_strategies_report_2019.pdf

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