Campaign for ERIO "We Are Roma"

The European Roma Information Office (ERIO) carried out a social media campaign We Are Roma. Within the 2018 European Year of Cultural Heritage, the campaign aimed to fight discrimination Roma face as a consequence of prejudices and stereotypical images that non-Roma have about the Roma culture. Moreover, it aimed to promote Roma culture and identity.
To view the campaign material, please visit our website: You can also follow the campaign hastags #WeAreRoma, #ProudAndRoma and #WeHaveTheRight.
The campaign video raises awareness about the richness of Roma culture(s) and identity. Roma have been present in Europe for centuries and have contributed to European cultural heritage through music, dance, painting, and literature. Yet, others have failed to recognise it. It is important to put Roma culture on an equal footing with other cultures, as an integral part of a rich and vast European and world culture.

This is important in a context in which hate, discrimination and anti-Gypsyism are always so strong.

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