Čakovec, Croatia: Working meeting for the Roma - without the presence of Roma

On January 24, a working meeting with the Minister of Demography of Family, Youth and Social Affairs Nada Murganic and Deputy Mayor Maja Knezevic Vucinic was held in the Medimurje County.

The main topic of this meeting was the impaired security situation in the problems encountered by the unintentional use of social assistance. Although the meeting was about the Roma, no Roma representative was invited to attend this meeting where the topics were important for the Roma community.

The member of the municipal assembly in the Medjmurje, Matyash Orshush, who is also a member of the Prevention Board, commented on the appeal of the mayor that "it is necessary to think and allow a large number of Roma families who are increasingly demanding the granting of real estate in depopulated regions of Croatia, and which are owned by the state ", and this situation is described as a shift to solving those problems in favor of the county and the Roma community.

"In your idea of ​​evicting Roma in depopulated regions in Croatia, I see only xenophobia and a justifiable fear that the Roma community in the near future will be able to vote for the deputy mayor of your party instead of the Roma national minority in Medjumurje.

Link: http://www.romskiportal.com/2019/01/28/radni-sastanak-o-romima-bez-roma/?fbclid=IwAR03E4FGR5xB9vlpum-j-eGLZtLOw80KivEoV7XZnBgt2YrdqSw_V0mxjBM


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