New Year's interview with IRU President Zoran Dimov: "At the next 12th IRU Congress in 2024, it will bring even more positive and coherent changes in the interest of the Roma community in the world"

IRU, as the oldest and largest Roma international organization that has existed for over 52 years, established itself as a leading international Roma organization with its activities decades ago. Since 2016, during the 10th Congress of the IRU, when Zoran Dimov was elected its president. With his appointment, as well as the appointment of the new composition of the IRU, the IRU presidency rose to a higher level when it comes to the interests of the Roma community. Immediately after that, the IRU in the UN regained its ECOSOC status, it also established itself as part of the EVZ foundation, an important factor in the ERTF, and a regular partner in the meetings organized by the EP, EC, CE and other European institutions.

Each time the IRU responded and gave specific guidance and proposals to the relevant European and world organizations. Now, according to its president, Zoran Dimov, in his pre-New Year's address to Roma Times readers, he himself emphasized.

- As its current president and also together with the IRU team, throughout this period since my appointment, we have been working on strengthening the capacities of the IRU, and I assure you that we have succeeded. It is due to our serious approach and constant communication among the membership itself, be it at our video ZOOM meetings or the regular Parliamentary sessions. We monitor all activities and also actively participate in making important decisions and documents. We constantly take part in many international meetings where we are invited as a relevant Roma organization.

Our focus is now on organizing the regular 12th IRU Congress, which is planned for March or April, which will be supplemented with more activities, in addition to the election of the new leadership of the IRU Cabinet and the presidency.

Sensing the need for "fresh blood", the IRU at this Congress will also focus on the reception of new young and progressive forces who are waiting for admission to the IRU. At the same time, Dimov emphasizes that at the next 12th IRU Congress in 2024, he will bring even more positive radical changes in the interest of the Roma community in the world"

That is why the importance of this IRU Congress was emphasized, at which, according to the president Zoran Dimov, in addition to the members and delegates of the IRU, a large number of distinguished senior officials in important positions from the European Union, the UN and other organizations, associations and associations announced their presence as guests. .

At the end, Zoran Dimov sent congratulations on behalf of himself and on behalf of IRU to all his colleagues, friends, partners on the occasion of the Christmas and New Year holidays with wishes for health, happiness, prosperity, success as well as the cessation of all conflict actions and peace reigning for all spaces in the world.

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