In Prague - Czech Republic, meeting between IRU President Zoran Dimov and European Commissioner for Equality Helena Dalli

Within the framework of the 15th European Platform for Roma Inclusion, which was held in Prague, Czech Republic on October 25 and 26, where IRU President Zoran Dimov also participated, during this event a short meeting took place between Dimov and the European Commissioner for Equality, Helena Dalli.

Otherwise, earlier during the visit to Brussels, the President of IRU Dimov had a meeting with the Cabinet of Helena Dali where they were delivered documents about planned activities by IRU.

Otherwise, during their meeting in Prague, President Dimov and European Commissioner Dalli confirmed their commitments, where the emphasis was placed on the functioning of the Roma Investment Fund - RIF.

European Commissioner Dalli was previously aware of the Roma Investment Fund and committed to its realization and activation.

As a conclusion of all this, both sides announced a meeting and conversation already in the month of December this year in Brussels in the office of European Commissioner Dalli in a wider composition, all with the aim of expanding this strategic framework for the Roma, in which one of the important elements is the realization of Roma Investment Fund

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