The President of the IRU and the Coordinator of the Network for System Solutions Zoran Dimov at a meeting with representatives of the French Embassy in Skopje

The war in Ukraine, the refugee crisis, and the situation with Roma refugees from Ukraine, as well as the efforts made by the advocacy network and systematic and lasting solutions for Roma integration in North Macedonia were part of the talks and presentation by IRU President Zoran Dimov and coordinator. on the network for systemic and permanent solutions. He presented his views to the representatives of the French Embassy in Skopje to Mr. Hugo Bechtel - Advisor for Culture and Technical Cooperation as well as Director of the French Institute in Skopje and Ms. Julie Maraval Attaché for Cooperation at the French Embassy.

Dimov stressed the concern and at the same time the unequal access to the Roma refugees from Ukraine at the border crossings and at the same time in Wales in other EU countries.

At the same time, at the level of our country, he presented the plans and implementation of Strategies for the Roma, as well as one of the numerous actions taken, such as the Pedagogical Assistants. In that segment, Igo Bestel and Julie Maraval are ready to contribute to the realization of those activities.

At the end of the meeting, Dimov on behalf of the Network presented the Acknowledgment for special contribution and support of the Roma community that the French Embassy received last year on the occasion of 50 years of the IRU and the International Roma Day April 8. It was awarded now because of the well-known Covid 19 protocols in force last year.

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