Stefano-Stevo Kuzhicov Vice President of the IRU

Stefano-Stevo Kuzhicov, ist 60 years old. Works and lives in Helsingborg, Sweden. He have begun to take an interest and work for roma rights 35 years ago. As an activist he have been active in several organizations, local, national and international. He is today president of the National Federation of Roma in Europe, which is a major national organization for Roma in Sweden, He have been active in the IRU for 26 years, have had various assignments and positions.

He have been elected at the 2020 Congress as vice president of the IRU. His interests are to work for roma rights, to combat all forms of racism, discrimination and anti-gypsyism, which is unfortunately the biggest obstacle to Roma integration into society. He have worked since 22 years in the city of Helsingborg as a coordinator, bridge builder and since 2012 as process leader for the Government's strategy for Roma inclusion in Helsingborg.

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