IRU with letter and request to UN, USA, EU and other relevant international institutions: Request for urgent humanitarian aid for them Roma people in Afghanistan

In his letter and request by the International Roma Union through its delegates and signed by the President of the IRU Zoran Dimov, among other things, the text reads:

“International Romani Union - IRU is concerned about the Roma in Afghanistan, who are living in these difficult times without protection and in great fear. Roma should not fall victim to the new government in Afghanistan. The IRU calls on the UN, the US government and the EU to provide urgent humanitarian protection to the Roma population in Afghanistan.

Now all countries are taking care of their citizens and urgently evacuating them from Afghanistan in August. The IRU demands that people be released from Afghanistan even after August. The Roma do not have the state or the necessary resources to evacuate the Roma living in Afghanistan.

The Roma in Afghanistan are suffering and fearing consequences for them. They are often stateless and are not recognized by the Afghan constitution. International Romani Union - IRU therefore calls on the UN, the US and the EU to review the status of Roma in Afghanistan, who are the subject to recent political developments, to protect them and to assist in their evacuation if necessary.

The UN should protect the Roma without their own state. In war situations, many Roma have been killed - about 1.5 million in the Holocaust during World War II - and they have often lost all their property without war reparations and other compensation and left without protection. According to international estimates, the Panjshir Valley north of Kabul could become a crisis hotbed that could even lead to a civil war in Afghanistan.

Unicef coordinates the distribution of Corona vaccines in the WHO’s Covax vaccine program, and Unicef has told Reuters that the number of Corona vaccinations has fallen by 80% in Afghanistan since the conquest of Kabul. Half of the vaccine doses delivered to Afghanistan are now in danger of falling due. Afghanistan is also in danger of becoming a crisis hotbed of Corona and stateless Roma will be left without vaccines. Roma also need health protection in Afghanistan.” it is said in the letter sent by the IRU and on behalf of the President of the IRU Zoran Dimov

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