In Memoriam: Longtime Roma activist and IRU member Eshtref Abduramanoski dies in Australia - Perth

On January 19, 2021 in Perth, Australia, at the age of 82, died a longtime Roma activist and member of the International Roma Union - IRU Eshtref Abduramanoski.
Abduramanoski was born on August 23, 1938. He has been with the IRU for over 20 years and is a prominent member and delegate. His position at the IRU was as President of the IRU for Australia and New Zealand. Abduramanoski was also known for organizing various events in his country Australia to preserve the Roma identity, culture and tradition. At the same time, the Roma radio functioned within the Roma organization in Australia.
Abduramanoski's funeral is planned for January 27, 2021.
At the same time, the IRU also sent a telegram of condolences to the Abduramanoski family by its chairman Zoran Dimov.

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