On December 6-7, the IRU Cabinet meeting in Stockholm, Sweden, to decide when the IRU Congress will be held.

The IRU Cabinet will meet in Stockholm, Sweden in its activities as part of the plan and strategy for next weekend.

The meeting will be on December 6th and 7th (Friday and Saturday) 2019. That meeting of the IRU Cabinet is being organized by IRU Committees Chief Rosita Gronfors and IRU President Zoran Dimov.

In addition to the IRU Cabinet meeting will be attended by IRU Parliament Vice President Stefan Kuzicov, IRU Vice Presidents Ajten Berafla, Agush Demirovski, Khuram Khan then IRU President for India Rishi Verandra, Secretary General Ramush Muarem, IRU Kris Chief Gregor Julson, Theodore Mutto, Stefan Wudov et al.

Also at the IRU Cabinet meeting will be members of the Board responsible for the Democratic Transition - Sarah Hocking and James Wragg

One of the topics at this meeting is the decision on the term to hold the next IRU Congress where the next IRU leadership will be elected. In addition, the reports of all IRU Committees will be presented by its heads.

At the same time, the agreement reached for the opening of the IRU office in Geneva within the United Nations, which is a great success, will be presented, as well as the Roma Ombudsman - Contact Point will work within that office.

At the same time, the future plans and strategies of the IRU will be elaborated in the coming period of the activities of the IRU for 2020.

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