At the meeting with the President of the IRU Zoran Dimov, the French Ambassador HE. Christian Thimonier confirmed his full support for the adopted Resolution on the Establishment of an Independent office - Roma Ombudsman

Within the excellent cooperation between the International Roma Union - IRU and the French Embassy in the Republic of North Macedonia and HE. On July 19 this year, Christian Thimonier held a meeting at the Embassy premises, where they exchanged their opinions and views on Roma both in the country and outside of it.

This is proof that the French Embassy is open to cooperation and is ready to support all the initiatives and actions undertaken by the International Roma Union - IRU in recent years.

One of those supported actions, where the French government clearly and unequivocally showed the French government through the Ambassador Christian Thimonier, is the last IRU Parliamentary Assembly that took place on 28 and 29 June this year in Skopje, when the initiative was presented for later adopting a decision in the form of the Resolution on the Establishment of an Independent Office - a Roma Ombudsman in an international framework.

At that gathering HE. Christian Thimonier before all members and delegates of IRU and guests said that his Government supports this initiative, which was later adopted in the form of a Resolution, as well as its readiness for its full functioning, whose seat will be in Strasbourg and Geneva.

At the same time, in the newly formed body, among others, as its member, is HE. Christian Timonier.

On the occasion of that event, the President of the IRA Zoran Dimov, during yesterday's meeting, awarded him with a Plaquette-Beware on behalf of IRU, where also from the ambassador Thimoniere was told that he would continue the commitment for a joint and deeper cooperation in the coming period, with emphasis that the newly formed Independent Office - the Roma Ombudsman will contribute much more in the field of respecting fundamental human rights, in the fight against discrimination, as well as the elimination of intolerance and violation of the rights of the Roma nation all over the world.

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