Zoran Dimov, President of IRU, met with EP President Antonio Tajani and other European high officials

Within the framework of its participation in the EP Plenary Session in Brussels, the President of the IRU Zoran Dimov and its Vice-President Anatoly Butakov held significant meetings and a presentation of the plans and program of the work of IRU.

IRU representatives first met and discussed with EP President Mr. Antonio Tianni. Here, they exchanged quite useful information for further and long-term cooperation with the priority of creating a Strategy and a plan for the Roma.

Then he left a meeting and talked with MEP Livia Jaroka. which at the same time showed interest and acknowledged that it would support all given operational plans by IRU to the EP legislature.

Immediately afterwards, a meeting was also held with the High Commissioner for Justice of the European Commission, Vera Yurova, and here was discussed the sensibility for exercising their rights when it comes to Roma, both from Europe and beyond.

It was assured that more attention will be paid to all similar problems for an effective and just solution.

On the sidelines during this visit, other meetings were held with officials from the European institutions

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