Tyson Fury: Wilder and Joshua can only carry my bags

Tyson Fury still wants a revenge against Diontey Wilder and insists that this should happen. But Furies will not have a chance if they do not meet in the ring, because after the first fight it feels like a winner.

They fought last year, with the match ending. They were close to the second battle, but they did not agree and now they have new opponents. Tyson will fight in June against Tom Schwartz, and Wilder in May with Dominique Brisel. Fury hopes to have a revenge sword after their struggles.

In a recent interview, he said he was not impressed by Wilder and Joshua and could only carry his luggage.

"When both of them fight and lose, I will hire them to work for me. It is clear that they do not have much mental capacity. You will smash them when they spend money. I will fight on June 15 in Vegas ". mentioned Tyson Fury

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