"Hero" the first music video by the Roma Rock School band Right Turn

Roma Rock School is a non-profit organization based in Skopje, founded in May 2017 by music enthusiast Alvin Salimovski. The main goal of Roma Rock School is to provide free musical education for young Roma and children from economically and socially disadvantaged backgrounds, aiming to increase multi-ethnic tolerance and reduce discrimination through music.

In the spirit of these determinations, the band "Right Turn" has recently been operating as part of Roma Rock School, which is composed of: Julie Kadri - vocals, Mursel Huseini - guitar, Delon Seifulov - bass, Ruzdi Ametovski / Sami Alex Asan - clarinet, Sefo Murad – Drums, Sherif Ilyazi – violin.

"Hero" by "Right Turn" is the first official music video created within the framework of the "Music Connects" project, a project supported by the European Commission, which is part of the Creative Europe program.




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