Humanity in action: Marija Šerifović wants to provide a roof over the head of the talented Mustafa Hrustić from Zenica

Marija Šerifović was struck by the story of the street singer Mustafa Hrustić from Zenica, who has been living under the bridge for several days because he could not pay the rent due to his engagements and the money he earned.

In Srećko Stipović's video, Mustafa tells how he will apply to "Zvezde Granda", but "he can't go there with 10 marks".

You need to have money to dress nice, and a bow and be clean. You need to introduce yourself, name, surname, where are you from, how old are you... I would apply if I had the opportunity. And secondly, I don't even have parents, I don't have anyone of my own," says Mustafa in the video shared by Maria.

This man sleeps somewhere in Zenica under a bridge. If someone from Zenica can and wants to find him, please contact me and let him be my contact. For Mustafa to get a home, Maria wrote on her Instagram story

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