Who is behind the artistic name "Malisha" on the Balkan music scene?

She is Eleonora Mustafovska known as the successor to the Queen of Roma music Esma Redzepova-Teodosievska, who was also known as a vocalist in the newly branded Esmos band.

She decided to present the audience now under the artistic name - Malisha, which is unique and unusual. Since the death of Esma, they have spent three years, and she admits that she has left a big mark on her.

- Her death melted me and it took me a while to get back to normal life. I believe that I am happy for these new beginnings and looks at me somewhere from there.
Otherwise, Simeon Atanasov, who works with her in several projects, is also helping her in this new music page.

His first song "Thebes surrender", Malisha recorded it in Serbian, and it already has over 500,000 reviews.

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=12&v=oNK52r2DJds

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