The construction worker from Macedonia Bejhan Ramov "scatters" in the show "It's Never Late"

Behan Ramov is a real hit in the music show "It's Never Late"
In the last edition of this show, he made his dream come true to his idol Sherif Konjevic.

"Do you see who is in the jury?" Asked the hostess, Dragana Katic, to which Beihan saw the confused answers "Yes, it is my soul"

Sherif Konjevic responded: "Thank you for loving my music. I promise that in the future I will help you, "and the audience greeted them with a huge applause.

Behan singed the song by Shaban Shaulic "Poznao bih te medju hiljad zena"
Sherif after the performance commented: "I have to be honest. I expected much more from him, but there was a great vernal tonight. Still, the song sang with a great soul and he is a great singer "
Beihan replied: "I am not a professional, and I am a construction worker by profession."

In the opening part of the competition, Behan together with Sheriff Konjevic in a duet sang the song from Sherif "No secret man for you"

"This made me look great." He sang differently, "Sherif said after the duet.
"Sherif is one and only," noted Beihan, who did not hide the hope that he had the opportunity to sing along with his idol.

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