The singer star Ivan Kurtic described what he had learned during singing after Roma weddings

Ivan Kurtic acted as a singer in numerous celebrations, and as many of them said were pre-arranged marriages, and that he was sad about the facts and irresponsible parents towards their children.

"I often used to sing after weddings where there were pre-arranged marriages, mostly with younger Roma. Most were sad and unfortunate young children who were not even asked about those marriages because the parents had already been agreed before." The dumpling stops when they see such images and see their grief in the moments when they should be happiest in the world.

There were frequent scandals during revelry, for example, if a young bride was made to say that she was not innocent. Weddings were canceled, there were incidents between families.

The time of such arranged marriages should be past, and everyone should strive for that, and such events will no longer be "mentioned Kurtic.

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