Zoran Dimov - Mli kolumna

Column by Zoran Dimov: There are 10,000 more Roma at the start of the cleanup

After the passed Law on Population Census in our country as the Decree Signed by the President Stevo Pendarovski, it is clear that after a break of 19 years, the Population Census will be held in our country.

Otherwise, this statistical operation in all normal countries is taken into account as a reference figure for development planning. economy and similar parameters. But in our country, after a game and ambience, a political connotation is immediately sold. This is because the Constitution of Macedonia also guarantees ethnic representation in almost all fields. And immediately begin calculations and calculations of how many are numbered. Everyone "pulls" to their side.

Otherwise, the emphasis of this column of mine will be - the Roma community! How much are we really?

According to previous research, analysis, both nationally and internationally, Roma as one of the most marginalized communities in the world and in our country.

According to the UNHCR Report and their research, the most endangered and stateless in the country are Roma, Ashkali and Egyptians, as well as Roma children.

According to some estimates, it weighs about 10,000.

At the same time, now with the action taken by the MLSP and the Ministry of Justice, about 559 Roma have recently been registered in the procedure for obtaining personal documents and in the system.

A recent statement by DUI leader Ali Ahmeti stressed that there are currently about 3,500 stateless people in the country. of which the majority are Roma.

A well-known practice of "melting" Roma into other nationalities (Macedonian, Albanian, Turkish ...) as well as declaring a large number of Ashkali or Egyptians, in reality the number of Roma at the national level is much higher than the official one from 2002 - 55,000 Roma. By the very fact of "statelessness" that number at the start is 10,000 more Roma.

Otherwise, if the campaign prepared by the "Network for Permanent and Systemic Solutions" is implemented, consisting of a large number of Roma NGOs, which reads "Ma ladža, ma dara - Vaker deka sian Rom", "Do not be ashamed, do not be afraid - say you are a Roma". Then it is believed that by motivating this nationality the optimal number that would be obtained at the end of the census in the Republic of Northern Macedonia live from 75,000 to 80,000 Roma, and in total with those Roma who are currently out of the country that number can easily to be 100,000 Roma, and thus will be third in number as a nationality at the state level.

In my opinion, if the awareness of self-identification is raised, if the state has a sense to solve this problem, and if all factors are taken into account, my free assessment is that we Roma in the country will be close to 4% of the total population. And the numbers in our country, according to the current practice, are not only statistical information, but on the contrary, guaranteed benefits according to the Constitution of the country.

Time will tell how it will be. However, I am still behind "Ma ladža, ma dara - Vaker deka sian Rom" - "Do not be ashamed, do not be afraid - say you are a Roma". I think it's okay.

Column by Zoran Dimov: "The Pedagogical Assistants Program needs to receive adequate state support"

Considering the positive and welcome changes in the educational system in the primary education in the Republic of Northern Macedonia, and aware of the moment for improvement of the educational system for the youngest and for our future - the children, to the Ministry of Education - MES and other relevant institutions it would be good to think about the following:

The program "Pedagogical Assistant for students in primary education" as part of the special program for adult education and certified by the COV (Adult Education Center) and implemented by the institution - "Association Roma Business Information Center in Macedonia - Skopje" led by professionals with outstanding results in the work (Pedagogue and Psychologist), is a professional and professional program in order to provide assistance to students from primary education throughout the country. The program is detailed theoretically and practically developed on the basis of all necessary educational bases in order to train and create professional pedagogical assistants to provide assistance to primary school students from several aspects: helping students to work successfully in providing assistance and teaching of students in primary education for mastering the school curriculum as well as for enrolling students in primary education, ie continuing their education. The program contains a total of 200 hours and is realized in a period of 4 months. Through the topics provided for this program, the candidates acquired skills for organizing their own work, for providing students with assistance in mastering the school curriculum through a properly and purposefully chosen teaching strategy and learning style, depending on the student's abilities. Candidates acquire skills to strengthen students' self-confidence and motivate the student and parent / guardian to progress in education. At the same time, the candidates are trained to have positive communication with the parents / guardians and the school, as well as with the local community, which contributed to better cooperation between the school - parent / guardian. Candidates are trained to record and document student progress. Given that this professional program that meets all professional standards and is already supported by the state authorities and has trained several dozen pedagogical assistants, it needs to receive adequate state support in order to improve the quality of primary education, especially for students who have learning difficulties, belong to vulnerable categories and / or need professional pedagogical-psychological help and support. We would like to propose that it be reviewed and then accepted as part of the institutional system with the appropriate support from the institutions. By receiving your support, this professional profile which is extremely important will find its place and will contribute to the strengthening of the education system and thus will open opportunities for sustainable employment of the candidates who have already obtained a certificate and those who have yet to pass the training. Certainly, the most important contribution of this profile is for the benefit of students and the development of primary education in our country. By receiving the necessary institutional support, this professional profile will raise the quality of the educational process and will complement the necessary and positive changes in primary education that you are already promoting. I would like to highlight a few articles of the Law on Primary Education that are directly related to the target group to which our request refers:

- Article 3

Every child has the right to free and quality primary education in primary school. –

Article 4

Primary education is developed on the basis of the following principles: - best interest and complete development of the student, - equality, accessibility, accessibility and inclusiveness, - general character of primary education, - ensuring the quality of education and international comparability of students' knowledge, - active participation of students in the life of the school and the community, - preparing the student for lifelong learning, - promoting similarities and accepting diversity, interculturalism, multiculturalism, interculturalism and multiculturalism, - care for physical safety and health, - autonomy, competence and responsibility and - partnership between the school, the parents, ie the guardians and the local self-government units.

- Article 11

(1) Primary education is institutionally, personnel and content organized in a way that supports the inclusion of all children in regular primary education.

(2) Inclusive education is a process that takes into account the different individual needs for development of students, providing equal opportunities for the realization of basic human rights for development and quality education.

(3) Inclusive education referred to in paragraph (2) of this Article includes changes and adjustments of the teaching content, approach, structures and strategies for students with disabilities, with a common vision and conviction that the state has an obligation to provide education for all children.

(4) The inclusion of all children in regular primary education is defined by the Concept for Inclusive Education, adopted by the Minister at the proposal of the Bureau and published on the websites of the Ministry of Education and Science (hereinafter: the Ministry) and the Bureau.

(5) The infrastructure, the individualized support, the curriculum in the primary education are reasonably adapted according to the individual needs of the student.

(6) Reasonable adjustment referred to in paragraph (5) of this Article, is a change and adjustment of the conditions for upbringing and education in a certain case, which does not cause disproportionate or unnecessary burden on the school, and is aimed at ensuring the enjoyment or realization of all human rights and freedoms of students with disabilities on an equal basis with others.

(7) Accessibility to infrastructure and services mean taking measures to ensure that students with disabilities have access, on an equal footing with others, to the physical environment, transport, information, and communication, including information and communication technologies and systems in primary school.

It would be good to seriously consider this possibility in the hope that a way has been found to help this long-awaited and necessary profile in primary education - Pedagogical Assistant in Primary Education, fit into the institutional system with appropriate support

We are here for any need and suggestion to supplement and improve the program and you consider it necessary, and we are at your disposal.

Column by Zoran Dimov: 2021 is even more difficult for the Roma than 2020!

Here we are at the very end of this for many one of the most difficult years. 2020 will not be remembered for good, but on the contrary, it is marked as one of the worst. The general pandemic of Covid 19 contributed 95% to that, which had negative effects on the daily life of man in every aspect. This world phenomenon has not bypassed our country, nor the Roma who live in it.
2020 has made a huge hole economically and socially. But what is most frightening, whether this pandemic subsides, the damage and the consequences are enormous, and in fact from an economic point of view exactly 2021 will be just a summary and counting of the huge losses. This means that if the Roma have been economically most marginalized for decades and centuries, it means that the next 2021 will be even more difficult. The reason is simple because in all that "trouble" who will remember the Roma? So from an economic hole, the Roma will be the "last hole" of the priorities. It will not be the first time.
As for education and the reforms that have been announced, I am not optimistic here either. Despite the difficulties with distance learning, due to lack of technical resources (laptop, computers, mobile, tablets, internet, etc.) Roma children will be even more handicapped because education reforms are a total unknown to this category of citizens. A second additional obstacle is that no Roma entity is involved in creating those plans. This is followed by the study of a language as compulsory where Romani is the third official language, and it is not even mentioned. So 2021 will be an even more complicated school year.
From a political point of view and the Roma political engagement according to the current course, it can be assumed that in 2021 there will be no progressive course or in other words - nothing good is being written to the Roma from that aspect. This is because at the moment there is no political party or leader who is a decision-making factor, and it all comes down to the well-known Roma rhetoric - splitting into small parts. If there is no consolidation, then the future of the Roma is uncertain. Here is the current moment with the local elections planned for 2021 in October. According to the projections, it seems that the mayoral function in Sh. Orizari will be conducted between several currents, which seems to be one of them, that it is time for the first female mayor of Sh. Orizari. At least such ambitions are overseen by the current leadership of the municipality.
But the fact is that to run a municipality no matter who it is requires good project management and implementation. It will be seen how that part will be used and those 1 million euros allocated by the Government of the municipality of Sh. Orizari for infrastructure projects.
Regarding employment due to the pawn with Kovid, it is generally known that many jobs were lost and the Roma were directly affected. Also, will anyone in 2021 remind the Roma that they also need work for economic recovery. Hard! Now the Government announces a fifth package of economic measures for businesses, but whether there will be a special program for Roma, it is very difficult to say. In fact, the chances of not being there are greater than there will be. I also wonder if anyone will try to explain or train those Roma companies and businessmen how they can apply.
One of the highlights of 2021 is the census. It is planned sometime in April 2021. According to previous censuses, Roma were third in number after Macedonians and Albanians. This statistical operation is very important, because in our country it works according to the representation. It is necessary now for the Roma to be aware and mobile for that moment. But will it be so? From the very beginning, it seems that the Roma are in minus 2000 people. This is due to the fact that with these new 700 phantoms who will acquire some kind of document, but is it enough for the census graph to be written as Roma? It is also known that just over 1000 are not even registered and it is known that they are here - they exist. The census is a moment of truth. However, it is known from the past whether those Roma in the past and even the present will be able to merge into another nationality such as Macedonians, Albanians, Turks and others. The risk is current. In Western Macedonia, Roma can easily become Albanians. In the central and southern part of Macedonia - Macedonians and those in the eastern and southeastern part - Turks.
And for employment quotas or scholarships, they are immediately like chameleons, they will immediately remember that they are - Roma.
That is our sad Roma reality. 2020 was black, but in my opinion 2021 will be even blacker, Black like our skin color. Do not be in the skin of the Roma!

Column by Zoran Dimov: The Government of RS Macedonia has allocated close to 1 million euros from the 2021 budget for the Roma. Are they enough?

At the end of the year, the voting for the planned Budget of Macedonia for 2021 came to a daily point. The largest Budget so far in the amount of about 4 billion euros was voted and adopted. Funds are also planned in that budget to support the Implementation of the Decade and the Roma strategy. Approximately 60 million denars or close to 1 million euros.
Knowing that last year's Budget allocated to Roma was almost 300,000 euros less than this year, one would say: "Great! They increased the budget for the Roma "
But the question is additionally raised, and the conclusion that exactly those 300,000 euros were not used and were reallocated, this comes more logically that that money is actually part of the unused funds.
The second point is that the total budget is 4 billion euros, and 1 million is allocated for the Roma. Are they enough? But let's go in order. It is evident that for the Implementation of the Decade and the strategy of the Roma in our country, the allocated funds are directed to several areas, as follows: Ministry of Transport and Communications around 325 thousand euros. The Ministry of Labor and Social Policy with the donations of 180 thousand euros, the Ministry of Education and Science together with the donations of about 395 thousand euros and the Ministry of Health with about 65 thousand euros. Most likely, those funds are allocated for pre-planned activities, but how much the institutions (ministries and municipalities) will have the real will and capacity to realize them is another question. It stands on paper, but in reality how much will be done is another question. For example. If the Ministry of Transport and Communications plans around 325 thousand euros, they will probably have to be used for infrastructure solutions, streets, roads, water supply, sewerage through Roma settlements. But where are the housing funds? If in the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy together with donations are planned about 180 thousand euros, about 35,000 euros are intended for kindergartens, the rest for the Roma Information Centers - RICs where it stands beside the existing ones to open several more throughout Macedonia . But will they be opened and will they be used. What they will do, whether there is a report on the work done, with what school training the employees will be, what will be the criteria for employment, that is another question. The largest budget is allocated in the Ministry of Education and Science from a total of 395 thousand where about 213 thousand euros are planned for high school scholarships, and the remaining about 180,000 euros for educational mediators, as well as part of primary education. Here, instead of those educational mediators or pedagogical assistants coming under the jurisdiction of the municipalities and schools that gravitate to those municipalities, the remaining 180 thousand euros can very easily be used for other priorities. For example, it is very easy to involve about 15 municipalities on the territory of the whole country to take over those obscure - pedagogical assistants to divide the burden equally, it will not be more than 10,000 euros per municipality per year! That is a ridiculous amount and still there will be employment of Roma teaching staff in the municipalities which will be of great benefit to the schools, the parents and even the children themselves.
The least allocated funds are in the Health only about 65 thousand euros, which are planned mostly for financial support of those Roma health mediators. As a rule, they should be employed in the health system as patronage nurses. If necessary, they should have additional training.
But the point is this. Almost 1 million euros have been allocated, but are they enough? The fact is that there are no funds allocated either for the Ministries such as Culture, Environment and Physical Planning, political systems and inter-community relations, nor any special programs for employment of Roma in employment agencies. It literally follows that only about 0.025% is allocated from the Budget of Macedonia for the Roma. Plastically explained, out of a total of 100 euros, for the Implementation of the Decade and the strategy of the Roma, they received "whole" 0.025 cents. We will integrate as well! However, it must be acknowledged that this Government has so far allocated the most funds to the Roma community!

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