Column of Zoran Dimov: Enough with divisions, let’s do it together!

Do divisions and giving credits for some accomplishments to an individual or a group of people bring us progress? Does arguing, making setbacks and “working behind one’s back” bring prosperity?

Will the distrust, intrigue and accusations, etc. be beneficial to our community or bring progress? We all know that the answer is a clear “No”. And now, a question is posed, everybody knows the answer, why are we continuing this cycle? How do we break this chain? Quite simple actually! If we, from the Roma community declare that we are fighting for the benefit of the Roma, and if we leave behind our vanities, ego, and internal antagonism, and if we make minimal efforts to join forces. No matter who’s in front or a little back in the line, what is important is to have a common goal – UNITY! We know that the era of “Divide, then conquer” is passed! The results of such ruling and behavior are more than visible.

I as a person who has been a Roma activist for many years and also as the Coordinator of the Network for Systemic and Permanent Solutions which is composed from the majority of the Roma NGO Sector would like to clear out some things. These past few days, a news report was presented regarding the situation of the people without personal documents in this country. We’ve heard many view and opinions such as “who is the most deserving” that these people obtained their documents. And everyone took credit for themselves, and not the real people who “wandered” on the field to identify these individuals and did many activities in order to realize their right from which they have been deprived for many years.

In favor of the truth, the heaviest load from this activity was carried out by the organizations which are a part of the “Network for Systemic and Permanent Solutions”, however, the Network did its job humbly and zealously, without major attention and exposure. “This is best known by the people who were written down and registered, and who now have their documents. But, nevertheless…the Network will continue to act and work without any major exposure and self-advertising.

However, it must be known that the credits for any activity should be shared, no pre-formulations or anything. Also, I would like to point out that it is time to see each other face to face and to openly say who can do what for the overall benefit of our people. We must sit down and have a joint consultation. To have a joint goal which defines that dispute, hostility, setbacks “working behind someone’s back” do not bring us any good.

The problems in this society are enormous, and yet, we deal with minor things. We need to have a mutual understanding and respect, because that is the only thing that will wake up our consciousness.

The local elections are near, there is a chance of Parliamentary elections, a citizen census and many other activities. Any schism is fatal for all of us. Let's shake our brains a little so that it is not too late. We already are late, but there is a redo for everything.

Enough with divisions, let’s do it together!

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