Skopje: Debt repayment action without interest calculation until July 31, 2024

JP Vodovod and Sewerage - Skopje informs the public and the citizens of the city of Skopje, that the debt repayment action without calculation of interest for late payment is ongoing.

The action for repayment of debts in interest-free installments for individuals and legal entities has a certain time limit starting from 06.20.2024 and ending on 07.31.2024.

- We invite all users who have outstanding debt during this period to apply for the conclusion of debt repayment agreements in a maximum of 48 installments for individuals and 24 installments for legal entities, depending on the amount of the debt, without calculation of interest for late payment .

The decision to implement the action for repayment of arrears without calculation of interest does not apply to state and local government bodies and other state bodies established in accordance with the Constitution and by law and institutions that perform activities of public interest, say Vodovod.

After the expiration of this period, the decision ceases to be valid.

For any additional information about the services of JP Vodovod and Sewerage - Skopje, contact:

02 3073 010, Duty Information Center; 02 3240 300, Directorate; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;;



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