The vaccine caravan "left" from Suto Orizari

With a visit to Suto Orizari, the caravan for vaccination against covid-19 started yesterday, which in the next two weeks will cover 14 municipalities across the country. The event was attended by the Minister of Health, Bekim Sally, together with the US Ambassador, Kate Burns, the UNICEF Representative, Patricia DiGovanni, as well as representatives of the WHO and USAID.

- We are bringing the vaccination closer to the citizens who have not been vaccinated yet, closer to the place of residence, with precise time and location, according to a pre-made schedule. In each of these places, the citizens, in addition to the opportunity to be immunized, can also be informed about the benefits of immunization against covid-19 - said Minister Sally. All interested citizens can be vaccinated at the 14 locations of the organized caravan, and every working day in the nearest Health Center. Vaccines are a much safer way to develop immunity to covid-19 than infection with the virus and have been shown to provide more reliable protection against natural immunity.

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