The second phase of Indira Gandhi Street in Shuto Orizari is being reconstructed

The teams of the City of Skopje started today the second phase of the reconstruction of Indira Gandhi Street in the municipality of Shuto Orizari. The rebuilding of the second part of this freeway is scheduled to be completed within 50 days.

- As we promised last fall when we began the reconstruction of the first phase of Indira Gandhi Street, this spring we begin the reconstruction of the second phase of this street, 800 meters long, from Butelski Venec Street to Nov Zivot Street.

The old asphalt that has been completely destroyed will be replaced, the damaged curbs will be replaced, and the pavements will also be reconstructed. The investment of the City of Skopje in this project amounts to about 13.5 million denars with VAT - said Mayor Shilegov, at the beginning of the construction works on Indira Gandhi Street.

He emphasized that during the reconstruction of this section, a temporary traffic regime will be introduced in this part of the city.

- I ask the citizens to understand and respect this temporary traffic regime, in order to finish as soon as possible the reconstruction of this street that has not been reconstructed for more than 30 years. The City of Skopje invests in all parts of the city because for us all citizens are the same and have the same needs for good infrastructure.

At the beginning of this spring, when the planting season begins, here we will erect a new park - the first park to regulate the City of Skopje in Suto Orizari for the needs of the citizens - announced Shilegov.

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