The first Roma municipality in the world, Shuto Orizari celebrated its 23rd birthday!

The municipality of Shuto Orizari began to develop in late 1963, early 1964, with the first inhabitants settling on the largest number of Roma. The name comes from the word "joke" which means infertile.

In early 1996, Shuto Orizari together with the two villages around it - Gorno and Dolno Orizari, formed an independent administrative unit - the municipality of Shuto Orizari. The municipality of Shuto Orizari is the first municipality in the world with a majority Roma population.

That is why on the 12th of September in the restaurant "Mevche Palace" was celebrated the jubilee of this municipality where government representatives, international missions, local institutions, citizens' associations and media were present.

On this occasion, Mayor Kurto Dudus presented plaques to contribute to the development of the Roma community.

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