About the incident in Shutka, detained ten people, most likely three of them will be released

According to unofficial sources, the Ministry of Interior launched an investigation into the incident in Shuto Orizari on Monday night. As it is known from before, a group of citizens intercepted a jeep with 3 people inside that were targeted as potential hijackers, for which they had been speaking for several days throughout the municipality.

They were attacked by two of them with lighter and one with more severe injuries were transferred to the hospital.

Upon arriving at the police, it was determined that three of the three beaten were police officers who were not in office. Otherwise, all three are from the village of Dolno Blace.

Immediately afterwards, the Ministry of Interior began investigative actions where 10 people who were suspected of having caused the fight were summoned.

According to unofficial sources, they will be brought to the investigative judge in the course of the day - Wednesday, which will further spite the actions. According to some announcements, three of them will be released, while others may receive fines with pre-trial detention. What will be the epilogue of this is not yet known.

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