Amalin: The first restaurant for Roma cuisine in Thessaloniki!

The first restaurant with Roma cuisine in the center of Thessaloniki is open in February 2023! Amalin is the culmination of long-term efforts of the Association of Roma from Dendropotamos to integrate women into society who belong to vulnerable groups of the population and are looking for a way out. Amalin is the first non-profit Roma restaurant in the second city of Greece, cooked and served by women from the Dendropotamos neighborhood. It is located in the area of Karaoli and Dimitriou streets, in the Diikitirio area.

"It was a lifelong dream for us. The association has been fighting for inclusion and promotion of good practices for 20 years. What could be better than highlighting the traditional Roma cuisine", said the head of the effort, the president of the Association of Roma from Dendropotamos, Giannula Maga. Roma cuisine is special

According to her, in a conversation with TV100 in the show Check in events, Roma cuisine is special and worth trying, and at the same time a restaurant will support this important project of the community.

"It is the best way to show society that we are part of it. That we are not invisible. Roma women will work in the restaurant. When I say socially vulnerable, we are also talking about ex-prisoners. We will give them an incentive to find their way," she stressed.

The delicious menu list is: Stuffed lamb, herb romaine stew and special pilaf are expected to be standout dishes.

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