In the kindergartens in Prilep, 25 children from social risk are exempted from participation

With the decision of the Prilep council, 25 Roma children at social risk are provided with a stay in kindergartens in Prilep without participation. This is a project of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, and "Our Future" kindergartens in Prilep say that there is an excellent reflection on the daily life in the community.

- The project "Inclusion of Roma children in kindergartens" has been operating in the country since 2006. Children from the Roma population are included. At the beginning of this pilot project, only 10 were covered, and today the project is implemented in 21 municipalities. Prilep has been in the project since the beginning. The number of children involved in the project started from 12, so that today 25 children from the Roma population are included who are integrated into the groups in our institution. The project has an excellent reflection on everyday life in our community so that Roma children from social risk can feel the benefits of being cared for in kindergartens, said Hristina Trpcheska, director of Prilep kindergartens "Our Future".

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