With the new rezoning, Shtip will fight against the segregation of Roma students

After the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg ruled that segregation is carried out in two schools in Shtip and Bitola, the municipality of Shtip is again making attempts to prevent the formation of pure Roma classes in OOU "Goce Delchev". A new rezoning is being done, with which children from the Roma community will not be enrolled in this school according to their residential address, but in the others to which they gravitate.

The court in Strasbourg found that there is discrimination, but it is not the fault of the school and the municipality. It is stated that the reason is the difference in the ratio of students, i.e. 60% of the newly enrolled students are Roma. Some of the Roma parents are also late in enrolling their children in the first grade. In September, the classes have already been formed and the only thing that remains is for the newly enrolled students to finish with the same teacher.

Last year, some of the parents who had to enroll their children in the Gotse Delchev school according to their residential address also changed their identity cards, that is, they changed their residence to other addresses. The families who initiated the lawsuit for segregation in Stip and Bitola after the verdict in Strasbourg should receive a total of 45,600 euros from the state.


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