Bitola, Republic of North Macedonia: 30-year-old injustice corrected - Stanimir from Bitola finally got citizenship

SVR Bitola finally issued an identity card to one of about 500 stateless persons in Macedonia.

The document with which the 73-year-old Stanimir Pelifanović from Bitola will now be able to enjoy all the civil rights that come to him from the state is not only a personal identification card and the realization of his biggest long-standing dream, but also means hope and encouragement and motivation and confirmation that persistence pays off sometimes.

The case of Stanimir is also an example that when civil activists and journalists, when associations and the media act together, with joint forces, they can contribute, "awaken" and encourage institutions to act more promptly, more openly and more compassionately and less discriminatingly, especially towards the powerless and vulnerable citizens who have no one to help them.

The video story that Vladimir Kotevski, as a participant of the Mentoring Program for young journalists of MOF in partnership with UNHCR with the support of the Migration Multipartner Trust Fund, made about the institutional "calvary" of Stanimir and its publication on three Internet portals and the wide citizen support on social networks , is only a small part in the "battle" which, together with Stanimir, was led for years by the activists of the Association of Roma "Bairska Svetlina" and Remsi Medik with his personal commitments.



Next, a reminder of the video story:Link:

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