Finland: Het nationale Romabeleid van Finland (Rompo 3) voor de periode 2023–2030 is opgesteld.

It is based on the EU Roma strategic framework for equality, inclusion and participation. As an EU Member State, Finland is committed to the objectives of the strategic framework, and aims to promote the equality and inclusion of the Roma in different areas of life. The cross-cutting objectives of the National Roma Policy are equality, inclusion and participation, as well as the elimination of discrimination by tackling antigypsyism. These priorities will guide the mainstreaming of the Roma policy measures. The National Roma Policy also includes four sectoral sets of objectives related to education, employment, housing and health. It also contains measures to strengthen the social, linguistic and cultural rights of Roma people. Finland’s National Roma Policy was prepared in collaboration with different stakeholders, and the measures will be targeted correctly using the lifecycle model. In accordance with the guidelines of the European Commission, a report on the implementation of the National Roma Policy will be submitted to the Commission every two years. The Commission will monitor progress by making use of surveys carried out by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights and the feedback received from civil society. An indepth mid-term evaluation will be carried out of the EU’s current 10-year strategic framework at the EU level, and conducting a mid-term evaluation of Finland’s national strategic framework is also included in the National Roma Policy.



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