Out of the total budget of 12.5 million euros for Roma culture in Macedonia, around "huge" 30.000 euros have been allocated. - "Cucu wow about Roma culture"

The Minister of Culture Bisera Kostadinovska - Stojchevska at the recent press conference on the occasion of the results of the annual competitions for financing projects of national interest in separate areas and cultural activities for 2023 emphasized that this year, according to the outcome of the competitions, culture remains in the spirit of diversity , tradition and national identity. The budget for supporting cultural projects for this year amounts to 12.5 million euros.

Applying for the Annual Competitions for project financing, such as

"3355 relevant reports have been recorded in the electronic system.

From all those applications for Roma culture, a little over 30,000 euros have been set aside for about 15 projects.

As with the mint, this year too, Roma culture seems to be on the "periphery" of cultural events in the country.

It is indisputable that on the cultural map the Roma are absolutely "invisible" as in everyday life.

All cultural events related to the Roma are invisible. From theater performances to music festivals, book publishing, and other occasional events.

That's how much the Roma in Macedonia are worth. The very words of the Minister of Culture Bisera Kostadinovska - Stojchevska that "culture remains in the spirit of diversity, tradition and national identity" really have weight. From the culture for the Roma community, only "Cucu wow for the Roma culture"

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