Drone footage shows the industrial pig farm that overlapped the concentration camp site in Lety u Písku, Czech Republic is completely demolished

The industrial pig farm that was once built over part of the grounds of the WWII-era concentration camp imprisoning Roma and Sinti people at Lety u Písku has now been demolished. Two parts of a feed hall from the farm are all that is left and will be part of the permanent exhibition there.

The industrial pig farm was in operation there from the 1970s until the spring of 2018, when it was built on the grounds of what had been called the “Gypsy Camp” there. More than 1,300 Roma and Sinti were forcibly imprisoned there and it was a de facto concentration camp.

At least 326 people died there, most of them children. After all of the remaining prisoners were transported en masse to the Auschwitz II-Birkenau Concentration Camp, the buildings of the Lety concentration camp were razed to the ground and set on fire in 1943.


Link: https://romea.cz/en/czech-republic/drone-footage-shows-the-industrial-pig-farm-that-overlapped-the-concentration-camp-site-in-lety-u-pisku-czech-republic-is-completely-demolished



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