National Food Bank for Bulgaria in Bulgaria fed over 120,000 Roma children during the Covid pandemic

The National Bank for Food for Children in Bulgaria together with the National Council of Roma in Bulgaria and the Bulgarian Red Cross (BKK) managed to help thousands of children and families from vulnerable groups in the country with essential food and other products. At the beginning of the situation with the epidemic in the Republic of Bulgaria related to the spread of COVID-19, a register and lists of the poorest families from all over the country in the Roma settlements that are not recipients of social assistance and for a number of reasons and persons without ID cards were prepared. More than 20,000 families were represented by about 120,000 children and families. Hundreds of tons of food The National Council of Roma in Bulgaria and volunteers and coordinators across the country in Roma neighborhoods managed to deliver food and provide financial resources for all food products and to reach poor families in the short and fast. The campaign was under the motto "Feed the clothes and make the child happy".

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