Leskovac: Violence against women is an extreme form of human rights violation that must not be tolerated

Violence against women is the most common form of human rights violation that must not be tolerated, and the empowerment of women and girls is crucial to preventing and eliminating violence against women.

"Violence against women is an extreme form of human rights violation that must not be tolerated. Violence against women continues to be an obstacle to achieving equality, development, peace and the realization of the human rights of women and girls. "It is the responsibility of every society to publicly advocate for anti-discrimination policies and to promote a culture of tolerance," said the Roma Roma Women's Organization of Leskovac (LERO).

According to the latest known data, in Serbia in 2020 at least 22 women died from violent death caused by a partner or other family member, and in five other cases there is a suspicion of femicide, ie murder based on sex or murder of a woman for whom it is woman.

Of the eight murders of women in the first half of 2021, according to the data of the Commissioner for Protection of Equality, Brankica Jankovic, one seventh reported violence before the murder.


Link: https://rominfomedia.rs/2021/11/25/leskovacke-romkinje-nasilje-nad-zenama-je-ekstremni-oblik-krsenja-ljudskih-prava-koji-se-ne-sme-tolerisati/

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