Due to the mistreatment of the Roma from Brazil, the vice president of the IRU from Brazil, Elisa Costa, reacted to the Deputy Public Prosecutor of Brazil

There are increasing reports that the Roma community in Brazil is increasingly the target of attacks and harassment from abroad by the Brazilian police, which are slowly escalating into serious mutual conflicts.

But also the state of Brazil during this pandemic with Covid 19, for the continuous disrespect of patients' rights, especially towards the Roma community.

That is why the Roma organization from Sao Paulo "Kali Sara" whose representative is also the vice president of the IRU, Elisa Costa reacts with a letter to Zam. Brazil Attorney General and Minority Protection Eliana Perez Torrelli de Carvalho

The reaction is due to the long-standing practice of inadequately provided health care by medical staff to the Roma community.

The latest case took place in the town of Ubatuba (Sao Paulo region), when a group of 5 elderly Roma refused to be tested against Omicron, despite their blue symptoms, leaving them at the mercy of others.

The health workers explained the move that they do not have a place of residence in that city, and that the testing and examinations should be done in the city where they come from.

Due to such and similar moves, the members of the IRU from Brazil reacted against this systemic and according to them it is necessary to be protected from any form of direct or indirect discrimination, especially attention to the right to existence of a people.

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